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Government Of Assam Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Assam Live Stock and Poultry Corporation

Farmers’ & Consumers’ Corner

Farmers' Corner


  • Immunization :
  1. FMD Vaccine:  At 3 months of age followed by 6 months after first vaccination and repeat annually.
  2. Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (HS) Vaccine: First vaccination at 6 months and repeat annually.
  3. Black Quarter (BQ) Vaccine: First vaccination at 6 months and repeat annually. 
  4. Brucella abortus strain 19 Vaccine: Heifer in the age group of 4-8 months (in infected herd only)
  • Deworming : Regular deworming of the animals should be done in periodic manner.Regular faecal examination should be done periodically and anthelmintics should be given as per the advice of the local veterinary practitioner.To control external parasites like ticks, lice etc; drugs may be used or applied as per the advice of the local veterinary practitioner.Preventive medication against all the endoparasites may be done twice in a year; once at the onset of monsoon and the next during autumn in consultation with the local veterinary practitioner. In case of any abnormal faecal material (loose, abnormal colour, foul melling) local Veterinary practitioner should be approached for treatment.
  • Vaccination Schedules : Refer to the link

Commercial Broiler Management Guide

Broiler Bird

Broiler is a young immature chicken of either sex developed for meat purpose and targeted to attain a body weight of 2.0 to 2.2 kg in less than 42 days of age by consuming 3.3 to 3.85 kg of feed with feed conversion ratio of 1.65 to 1.75. Broilers grow 50 times of original weight in a very short period of less than 40 days.

Advantages of Broiler farming:

  • Requires low financial investment
  • Provides quick and regular returns.
  • Ready availability of various farm inputs like Chicks, feed, equipments, medicine, vaccines etc

For more detais refer to the link : Broiler Management Guide 

Layer Farm Management Guide

Layer poultry farming means raising egg laying poultry birds for the purpose of commercial egg production. ALPCo is taking a series of activities in developing Layer Farming to increase poultry and egg production. The Corporation has started its own operation for production of Day Old Layer Chicks, Feed in its Golaghat Poultry Farm and thus has started revenue generation. 

Refer to the link to know more about Layer Farm Management : Layer Management Guide 

Backyard Poultry Management

In North eastern region,indigenous poultry plays an important role in rural, tribal and family poultry production.Family poultry farming is a part and parcel of a typical rural/ tribal household in Northeast, touching every aspect of their their social, cultural and economic lives.

Advantages of Backyard Poultry Farming

  • Chickens provide nutritional security for the rural apart from being an emergency fund raiser specially for women folks.
  • Country chicken and eggs have a great demand and fetch two to tree times more price than the commercial broiler and eggs.
  • Birds can meet their feed requirement through foraging or scavenging in the field.Insects, domestic waste spilled grains; green vegetables etc. form the major feed source.
  • Disease resistance is more in country chicken than commercial birds.

For more details refer to the link : Backyard Poultry Farming Guide

Duck Farm Management

Duck farming is traditionally popular in Assam. The hot and humid climatic condition of Assam along with extensive availability of water beds like ponds, river, marshy wet lands etc. provide different natural foods for scavenging by ducks.

Advantages of Duck Farming

  • Ducks could be reared easily under any environment. Ducks require very less attention and easy managing.
  • Duck eggs and meat are widely accepted by many people and there is even a preference for these products in certain areas.
  • Ducks lay annually more eggs than chicken under natural condition and eggs are also larger in weight. Moreover, because of the thicker shell, their transportation is easier with less breakage.
  • Duck egg contains proximately more amount of protein, fat and energy in comparison to chicken egg.
  • Ducks lay 90 to 95 percent of their egg before 8 AM making egg collection easier and one time job for the farmer.
  • Ducks continue to lay eggs well in second year and even in third year also provided they are managed well.
  • Ducks require no elaborate housing and can be reared even in primitive type of housing.
  • Ducks are more hardy and resistant to many avian diseases. Under natural condition of rearing ducks hardly suffer from any diseases.
  • Ducks can live on a variety of agro-industrial by products and they can supplement their feed to a great extent by foraging. 
  • Ducks serve as effective biological control of some of the human diseasessince they feed on snails, fish, flies, insects, earthworms etc which are vector of many diseases 
  • Ducks can be considered as one of the important components of the integrated duck cum fish farming system

Refer to the link for more details : Duck Farm Management Guide